Sympetrum depressiusculum (m) Spotted Darter WP 8-4883

133. Spotted Darter – Sympetrum depressiusculum – European Dragonfly Photo

The Spotted Darter ( Sympetrum depressiusculum ) is a rather localised species although it can sometimes be found in numbers at specific habitats. These include rice-paddies and even marshy borders edging waters which dry up in winter. The male gets its Latin name from its rather flattened body. Its numbers have significantly reduced in the Camargue due to the reduction in the extent of rice paddies.

Mature males can be mistaken for the Ruddy Darter – Sympetrum sanguineum as both are reddish and have completely black legs. The abdomen on the Spotted Darter however is a deeper orange with yellow sides. As its English name implies there are black spots in opposite pairs on Segments 4-7. The pterostigma are also larger and paler than on its confusion species. Females are typically yellow but the abdomen also has black spots along the edges


Canal de Vergiere, Peau de Meau, Camargue, Framce WP 8-4800


Sympetrum depressiusculum (m) Spotted Darter WP 8-5017

Sympetrum depressiusculum (m) Spottted Darter WP 8-5014