121. Epaulet Skimmer – Orthetrum chrysostigma – European Dragonfly photo
The Epaulet Skimmer ( Orthetrum chrysostigma ) is a common species in North Africa which reaches southern Spain and the south coastal regions of Turkey. It is similar in size to the Keeled Skimmer – Orthetrum coerulescens and it occurs on both large streams and lakes which are not shaded.
Males have an all blue thorax and body which is slender and waisted between Segments 3 and 4 when seen from above. The English name is derived from the diagonal pale stripe bordered on each side by a black line which runs down the side of the thorax. This can be quite difficult to see when obscured by the forewings and can disappear completely in older males however it can be seen clearly in the photograph of the teneral male below.
Females are yellow with a pale back between the wing bases.