Onychogomphus uncatus (m) Large Pincertail WP 8-5021

083. Large Pincertail  –  Onychogomphus uncatus- European Dragonfly photo

The Large Pincertail ( Onychogomphus uncatus ) is certainly a favourite species due to its imposing size and markings. Care has to be taken with identification to separate it from the Small Pincertail ( Onychogomphus forcipatus ) where the two species overlap in Spain, France and Italy. The Large Pincertail prefers faster flowing small rivers with plenty of shading. This is typically shown in the habitat below where the newly emerged female was also photographed.

Size can be deceptive in the field although the general first impression is of a big dragonfly. The thorax again provides the best distinguishing marks. From above the yellow antehumeral stripe joins the thicker yellow stripe in front of it. From the side the main yellow bar on the thorax is quite broad. In the hand the anal triangle can be seen to have 4 cells (see first photo) compared to 3 cells in the Small Pincertail.


Rio Hozgarganta Andalucia Spain 8-0632 700

Onychogomphus uncatus (m) Large Pincertail WP 8-5023

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