Gomphus graslinii (m) Pronged Clubtail D 5837 W 700

075. Pronged Clubtail  –  Gomphus graslinii – European Dragonfly photo

The Pronged Clubtail ( Gomphus graslinii )  is only found in France, Spain and Portugal and is a species which can be found somewhat later in the season, from June until August, when compared to other Gomphids which may be at the same site. The slower stretches of larger rivers in the hills are preferred for breeding.

This species has  much stronger yellow colouration. The forked appendages on males is one of the easiest identification features which can be seen through binoculars on males. The black border around the yellow on Segment 9 of the abdomen forms a goblet shape. On the thorax the yellow antehumeral stripes are narrower than the black stripes next to them. The legs are black with yellow stripes on the femora.


Los Alcornales N.P 700

Pronged Clubtail (m) Gomphus graslinii WP 3-5707

Gomphus graslinii (f) Pronged Clubtail D 5580 A 700

Gomphus graslinii (f) Pronged Clubtail D 5583 A 700

Gomphus graslinii (in cop) Pronged Clubtail D 5611 700