Coenagrion – Eurasian Bluets – Azure and Variable Bluets
25. Variable Bluet – Coenagrion pulchellum – UK – European Dragonfly photo
The Azure Bluet – Azure Damselfly ( Coneagrion puella ) is relatively abundant in the U K compared to the relative scarcity of the Variable Bluet – Variable Damsefly(Coenagrion pulchellum ) as the latter may favour waters in peaty or clay areas. Superficially they look similar and are easily confused. Photographs below of both species show the key differences on classic specimens but again the mark on Segment 2 of the body of each species is perhaps the most helpful indicator. It should be stressed however that the Variable Bluet gets its vernacular name for a good reason. I was very lucky to have my attention drawn to both species sitting next to each other and managed to get the third photograph below!
These are shown in the arrow diagrams below for each species.